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Clearing space in Bitrix24

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Глеб Антоненко

Disk Cleanup Wizard. For the cloud and the box

Expert mode

Connect monitoring (for example, via Zabbix)

For the box: transfer to S3 cloud storage


Very important, otherwise the portal will glitch

How to see how much space is occupied and by what

Can backups be deleted?

Bitrix24 Disk Cleanup Wizard:

  • Disk → Space Cleanup → Start Scan → Go to Expert Mode
  • CRM → CRM Settings → Other → What space is occupied → Start scanning

Expand the disk (on hosting, virtual machine settings). Then expand the file system

Transfer to external S3 storage


Database optimization Go to the admin panel Performance Monitoring, sort the tables by size. Compare with the sizes of tables from /var/lib/mysql/. If the latter are significantly larger, then there have been deletions and it makes sense to optimize.

Run the command mysql optimize table [table name].

Important: this operation requires space, because... First, an optimized copy of the table is created, and then the old version of the table is deleted.

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