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How to triple the time for setting tasks

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Глеб Антоненко


Let's talk about how we created a convenient Help Desk for handling tasks from our clients.

As it was before

Clients set tasks for us through an external Help Desk. Further, the project curator set the task for specialists in Bitrix24, and the developers separately used the Gitlab task book.

In fact, 3 systems were involved in the work.

We decided to optimize the process and combine the work on tasks into one channel, where you can easily communicate between specialists and clients, monitor the progress of tasks and see labor costs.

What have we done

We created the Bitrix24 Helper application, through which the client sets tasks for us right on his portal.

How it works

We install the application on the client portal.


Employees can set tasks. The app has a listactiveandcompleted tasks.


After the task is set, the employee receives notifications about all communications on it, can track the progress of the task, when the task is in progress and when it is completed.

Notificationscan be configured so that they come to the portal and to the mail.


Clicking on the button"Set a task", it gets to our portal in the queue of tasks for execution. The Assigner field is automatically filled in and the deadline is set to the end of the current working week.


You can stillorder a call back

backend is on our portal, which is written in PHP and runs under BitrixFramework. frontend is written in Vue.js using the Nuxt library.

Result and benefits

For customers

Easily set tasks and monitor their progress right on your portal

Direct communication with our technical support specialists, you can connect observers (other employees of your company)

Effort for each task is visible

For us

We have reduced the time spent on setting and distributing tasks by a factor of three, which allows us to pay more attention to directly solving them.

Communication with customers has become really convenient and fast


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