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Integration of Bitrix24 with EDI services (Diadoc, SBIS, etc.)

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Let's talk about how integrating Bitrix24 with an electronic document management system (EDM) can transform your business, making it more flexible, faster and transparent. Yes, it's not just about technical stuff, but about real efficiency for your team.

Personal approach: from transaction to act

You may already be aware of how difficult it is to maintain a balance between growing your business and managing paperwork. And this is where integration comes to the rescue. Imagine the following scenario:

  1. Your client has paid the invoice, the payment is recorded in Bitrix24 and the transaction is successfully closed. In this case, an act file from the goods is automatically generated.
  1. The act is sent to EDF without your participation. At the same time, you always see its status (Awaiting signature/Signed by the counterparty)
  1. All that remains is to sign the document using an electronic digital signature in EDI. You can set up automatic signing of a document without preliminary verification, or make a machine-readable power of attorney for an employee and he can sign via SMS

All documents in EDF

We are talking about complete freedom in sending any documents to EDF. Invoices, contracts, UPD, acts - anything. Your business - your rules.

You can set up any scenario, at different stages of the transaction the required document will be sent

It is also possible to send documents not from Bitrix24, but by directly uploading the file from your computer

Collaboration across different systems

If your client uses another EDI platform, this is not a problem; this integration will easily send the document to the system where the client is registered, ensuring accurate sending and saving of all necessary document data. In this case, there is no need to send additional requests to add a counterparty to the EDF (as required by Diadoc); the invitation will be sent automatically along with the first document.

For example, you work in EDO Diadok, and your counterparty is in Taksky. When sending a document, the system determines the EDI of the counterparty and sends the document there (“roaming”). At the same time, you will see the status of the document both on the Bitrix24 portal and in your service.

In some cases, you will need to sign a roaming agreement with your EDF service in order to be able to send documents to another system.

Benefits of integration

Integrating Bitrix24 with EDI brings more to your business than just process improvement. Efficiency ceases to be an abstract concept, and you get concrete indicators:

  • Time saving: your employees now invest time in what really matters, rather than getting lost in endless, identical tasks of sending documents.
  • Data accuracy and security:all documents will be generated and sent without errors.
  • Ease of control: you get full control over every transaction, documents and their status.
  • Effective communicationboth within the team and with your counterparties. There is no more loss of information and misunderstandings.
  • Flexibility in choosing EDF: there is no need to limit yourself to one platform. Work with those EDIs that suit your partners.

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